Tuesday 18 November 2014

Art Deco

Art Deco first appeared in France after World War I and began flourishing internationally in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s before its popularity waned after World War IIIt is a style that combines traditional craft motifs with machine age imagery and materials. 
Art Deco Lost natural element to art nouveau. Coined in 1960s refers to a style that spanned a boom of the roading1920s

Normandie was a cruise, the most largest ocean liner at the time and the worlds fastest She entered service in 1935 . The image of the ship is pointed upwards. It is man made by  Saint- Nazaire, shapes bold its a machine technical developments looked at a period of technological change but relied on old images. Narmandie went France, Southampton, new York -art deco capital! Buildings that are typical of 1930-40s such as empire state(1930s) 

Technology art deco uses it with design 
Designs were left behind because of technology.

It drew on tradition and yet celebrated tetanised modern world
It embraced both art and craft and machine production, exclusive works of high art and new products in affordable materials
it responded to the human need for pleasure and escape

Willaim Moris fabric design to alphonse mucha poster for sarah

Jacob Epstein

It was the style of the flapper girl and the factory, the luxury ocean liner and the skyscraper, the fantasy world of Hollywood and the real world of the Harlem Renaissance. Womens dresses hung straight so there was no shape to the body, also they had short hair.

it was an artistic movement which  begun in Italy in 1909 before the world war, it strongly rejected traditional forms and embraced the energy and dynamism of modern technology. Launched by Filippo Marinetti, it had effectively ended by 1918 but was widely influential, particularly in Russia on figures such as Malevich and Mayakovsky.
George Sorel, who influenced the entire political spectrum from anarchism to Fascism, also argued for the importance of violence.
Giacomo Balla:- was an art teacher and participated later in Futurism. In his art he created a pictorial depiction of light, movement and speed.

Futurist manifesto:- It initiated an artistic philosophy, Futurism, that was a rejection of the past, and a celebration of speed, machinery, violence, youth and industry; it was also an advocation of the modernization and cultural rejuvenation of Italy.

Filippo Marinetti
Marinetti is known best as the author of the futurist manifesto, which he wrote in 1909. He wrote this because he loved speed, and he had a minor car accident outside Milan in 1909 when he veered into a ditch to avoid two cyclists. He referred to the accident in the Futurist Manifesto: the Marinetti who was helped out of the ditch was a new man, determined to end the pretense and decadence of the prevailing Liberty style.
He discussed a new and strongly revolutionary programme with his friends, in which they should end every artistic relationship with the past, and burn libraries to get rid of the past and look at machinery and mechanism future.


The movement was announced in 1914.vorticism led from futurism and was inspired by cubism, tending towards abstraction, They imagined they were in the vortex, stood in centre of vortex. The Vorticism group began with the Rebel Art Centre which Wyndham Lewis and others established after disagreeing with omega workshops founder Roger Fry, and has roots in Cubism and Futurism.

Percy Wyndham Lewis 
Lewis himself saw Vorticism as an independent alternative to Cubism, Futurism and Expressionism.

is an early-20th-century avant-garde art movement pioneered by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso, that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in Music, literature, and architecture. Cubism has been considered the most influential art movement of the 20th century.

Henry moore was influenced by jacob

'The Rock Drill'

Between 1913 and 1915 Before war Epstein created 'the rock drill' which consists of a figure modelled in plaster. The extraordinary thing about this mechanised abstracted human figure is that it sat on top of a real miner’s rock drill,as Machines joined with humans to make future.  

Epstein said: “I made and mounted a machine-like robot, visored, menacing, and carrying within itself its progeny, protectively ensconced. Here is the armed, sinister figure of today and tomorrow. No humanity, only the terrible Frankenstein’s monster we have made ourselves into…” After the war he dismantled it and took the drill away from the sculpture dismembered the figure and cut it in half, leaving a one-armed torso which was then cast, initially in gun metal and ultimately in bronze.

Gaudier-brzeska- Brzeska died in 1st world war,he took on name brzeska as a double barel from his Polish partner. 
Gaudier-brzeska was Killed in first world war in 1915 aged 23
Created mechanical objects After coming under the influence of Jacob Epstein in 1912, he began to believe that sculpture should leave behind the highly finished, polished style of ancient Greece and embrace a more earthy direct carving, in which the tool marks are left visible on the final work as a fingerprint of the artist. A crucial meeting with Jacob Epstein strengthened Gaudier-Brzeska's determination to pursue a more experimental direction.

empire states building

Monday 10 November 2014

Information graphics

The objective is to create a product that will help to create flow through increasing energy, focus and memory.

what could my product be?

  • mouth spray
  • food/drink
  • smoking
  • chewing gum
  • cream
  • oils
  • scented wipes
  • soaps
  • sweets
After thinking what my product could be I went on to look at scented baby wipes and changing the shape of the packaging to a hand.
also I thought my product could be a energy drink but with a wing on as it gives you energy. Below I have done a really quick example in photoshop.
or I could of done a cream.
I did a mind map based on the brain and from that I got the idea of confusion and my remedy stopping confusion.

after thinking of what my product could be I decided to look into a name and the logo firstly I came up with 'mind bobbling' and the idea of my logo being a scribble based on confusion and how people feel.
i researched into mind boggling things and optical illusion things came up.

 I came to the conclusion of my product being an oil so i did a mind map of oil and i got from that petroleum, liquid and lubricant I felt this wasn't enough so went online and looked on the thesaurus at oil and things relating to oil. The words that I got overall that I could use as my products names are
  • rub
  • speckle
  • mist
  • drip
  • drop
  • splodge
  • splash
  • drizzle
  • speck
  • dash
  • burst
  • spritz
  • mist
  • speckle
  • molecule
  • particle
  • smear, I really liked the idea of smear so I started doing illustrations with a liquid pen and smearing it but then when I asked peoples opinion they disliked the name as it reminded them of a smear test. Below is research of smeared text.

    Here is my smeared text.

    As people didn't like 'smear' as a product name I didn't know what to call my products so I went on to looking at the scents.

The purpose of my product is to change the state of mind/ emotion within an individual person. Many people suffer from a list of things such as :-

  • Being stressed 
  • Confusion
  • Anger
  • Run down
  • Exhausted
  • Frustrated
  • Muscle cramp
  • Mental fatigue
  • Lack of confidence
  • Headaches
  • Easily distracted 
  • Demotivated
My product will benefit anyone who suffer from any from the above list. I then researched into the scents and its effects on the human mind and below is the list of each scent and its effect.

Scents and its effects on the mind:-

  • concentration
  • calming
  • removes anger, anxiousness and run down feelings

  • calming
  • removes emotional stress
  • calms nerves
  • removes depression, headaches/ migranes

  • confidence
  • optimism
  • revitalised energy


  • memory
  • fights exhaution ,headache, mental fatigue

  • fights mental fatigue
  • concentration/focus

  • energy boosting
  • invigorates the mind
  • stimulates clear thinking
After researching the scents and its effects on the mind, I chose three which were lavender, peppermint and jasmine these all help boost energy and their scents are calming. After doing this I then researched into the colour emotions and this image shows which colour represents which emotion.

Firstly i got the idea of 'vitalise'  being my company name so I started playing around with the letters and these are the ones I came up with.

Product one 
Product one is a lavender scented oil that is calming, removes emotional stress, removes depression, headaches and minegranes. I decided to do my packaging to this product grey as  the colour emotion guide grey is a calming colour, but after thinking it through I thought it may look silly as lavender is purple. I couldn't think of a name for this logo so i decided to change my company name from vitalize as i feel that the company name is similar to my product names and I changed this product name to vitalize.

Product two is a peppermint scented oil that is energy boosting,invigorates the mind and stimulates clear thinking. I decided to do my packaging to this product green as the colour emotion guide green is a peaceful colour, and if the mind is invigorated and thinking is clear it is peaceful. Also it will look good as peppermint is green. Below is a couple of ideas I could of done for a logo for this product.I prefer just the text invigorize as an arch inside the logo. I got the logo name invigorize as it invigorates the mind.

Product three is a jasmine scented oil that boosts confidence, optimism, and revitalises energy. I decided to do my packaging to this product yellow as the colour emotion guide yellow is optimism and will look better as jasmine is a white and yellow flower. below are  couple ideas again of the logo for my product logo.The logo name comes from jasmine as it revitalises energy. 
 As I used vitalise for a product name I had to change the name of my umbrella name. I got the idea of 'optimix' from the word optimism and the thought of all products mixed together.

Here i have looked at some packaging nets online and created a couple by using illustrator. Below are images of packages I made and i like the last one as i feel it will be more beneficial as i am doing an oil and my product is small.
I started off really simple and i didn't really like this one as it looked boring and i feel it was too long.
The second one i made was a little harder but looks loads better i feel the shape of this one compared to the last one is more constructional and the last one was plain and simple.
This was another box i created it wouldnt really be useful for my oil packaging but it looked different to just a plain box.
This is the last package I created and I feel that it was the best I felt that because it was suitable for my product.
After this I then went onto illustrator and used the same net as i used for the packaging above and started adding my logos and brand names to them. I also changed the shape of the bottle to suit my product.

Product three 
Product three is a jasmine oil that boosts confidence,optimism and revitalises energy. The colour chosen for this package is yellow as yellow on the colour emotion guide is optimism. On this package  I have put a flower on to represent a jasmine flower. The box next to the jasmine flowers underneath them yet will be cut out for you to be able to see my product but with have the flowers hanging over.
Product two 
Product two is a peppermint oil. The colour chosen for this package is green as it relates to my colour emotion guide also peppermint. On this package I have put a leaf on to represent peppermint. This leaf will be cut out and the product will be visual through the leaf.

Product one
Product one is a lavender oil.  The colour chosen for this package is purple as lavender is purple. On this package I have put a flower on to represent levender and these will be hanging over the product that is visual when the box is cut out.

Here is all three packages with my instructions and ingredients on i feel that the ingredients look out lf place so i will take them of the box and place it on the bottle of my product as a sticker.

here are my labels of ingredients that will be stuck on to the bottle (my product)

I did a little reserach into infoghraphics 

Peppermint infographics

Jasmine infographics

Lavender infographics

Point of sale