Tuesday 14 October 2014

Medical room.

I started of by doing a brainstorm of ideas for what could go in a medical room, in a pair me and jordan sketched a couple of ideas down and then decided that instead of doing illustrations we could make something using objects so we researched into it. Heres what we came up with.

Firstly, we came up with the idea of carved watermelons..
After we found this image above we decided thats what we wanted to do! 
We also came to an agrrement the we would stick to using the cyclist. As we dis the reaearch at college we didnt have the materials so we both had a go at carving on grey board. 
Image of google images:-
My carving of the above image using grey board. I think it turned out quiet well and loved the effect but obviously it needed to be alot better and neater. 

The next lesson I brought an orange in for me and jordan to use. What we did was cut the orange into sections for the wheels and carved the skin for parts on the bike! I feel this looked really good as its a sports and also it is made using fruit.  It looks effective and people will like it. As we thought it was successful we then went on to use different fruits.