Tuesday 17 June 2014

Materials, Techniques and processes

When in the 3D room it is always best to wear overalls as when cutting modrock the dust will stick to them. If you dont wear overalls you may carry the dust around with you.
Here I got some thin wire and bent it to the shape of a head from the person sat opposite me. I also used a bit of micropore tape to keep the wire in place. This is my sculptor from the front.
 This is a photo of my sculture from the side. As you can see I have built the nose, forehead mouth and chin out by bending the wire. 
This image was taken after I applied the first layer of modrock. I got modrock and cut it into thin strips I then put the strips of modrock into a bowl of water and then placed it onto my sculptor.
This is an image of me applying the modrock half way through. I apllied it layer by layer.

Modrock health and safety:
When cutting modrock cut it dont rip it because the dust will go everywhere and may effect peoples breathing.

Wire health and safety:
When using wire you have to wear gloves so it doesn't stab you as it is sharp also you should wear goggles to protect your eyes incase the wire springs up towards your face. Make sure your arms are covored.

After researching into Paul Klee I really liked his work and went on to do another sculptor like this image below.
 After seeing paul klees work I started to make a sculptor but only this time I used chicken wire.
Chicken wire health and safety:
When using chicken wire it is similar to using normal wire. You have to wear gloves to save you getting proded also goggles to protect your eyes. Always cover your arms as the edges are sharp! When using chicken wire make sure the ends of the wire is facing in as it can cause accidents and also attatch to your clothes.

In this image I have used chicken wire to create yet another sculptor but from my research. The artist I have looked at is Paul Klee. This image is taken from the side.

After I made the model with chicken wire I then went on to use paper mashè. I used paper mashè because I had already used modrock so I wanted to try a different material. Also I thought it would be best as tissue and pulp would stick to it quiet well.
Paper mashè health and safety:
Dont drop on the floor as it will be slippy and dangerous for others.
Making paper mashè:

This idea came from the artist Paul Klee after using paper mashè I then added pulp to the bottom and then when it dried I added some scrunched up tissue.
Pulp health and safety:
Dont drop as it will be slipy and dangerous for others. Dont leave the bucket that the pulps in on the floor as people will trip over it.

This is what my scultor looked like when I had finished it. I started to build the features up with scrunched up tissue.

Whilst waiting for my paper mashè to dry I decided to make a sculptor out of clay. 

After using a variety of materials I preferred using wire. I dont like this sculptor as I couldnt get the features of its face right so i left it and went back to wire.

Next time I could improve using clay by spending more time on it and not giving up.
Clay health and safety:
It can be a dust hazard when dry. It can also be a slip hazzard on the floor when wet. Dont eat clay.

Face moulds
Firstly, I wrapped cling film around the head and did two strips from the chin upwards but half across the face to the back then I did a strip under the nose to the chin landscape to the back of the head and stuck it together.

Wrapping the face in cling film is very dangerous so you have to make sure they can breath through the nose and also keep reassuring them.

Before covering the face with cling film I cut strips of modrock up so it was ready to put on then I dipped the strips of modrock in water and applied them to the face. Whilst applying modrock you have to make sure you don't go too far at the back of the head otherwise it wouldn't come off.

This is the cast waiting to set after the modrock is set I cut the cling film at the back of the head and the model lent their head forward and the cast came off.

I did another face cast but I did the full face. Emma covered her eyes as well as her mouth so she had to breath trough her nose.

This is me being casted by Jessica and Emma they casted my hair bun so it was quiet high

Process off applying cling film

After i decided that my face cast looked like an egyptian sculpture i decided to research into it and paint it like thutmose (sculptor)

This is my face cast painted gold, blue green and red. It resembles thutmose (sculptor)

Hand cast
Here is an image of me casting my hand using modrock. I used a rubber glove to put over my hand so it didnt cast to my skin. Then I started to layer the modrock but stopped at each end of my hand and only did half otherwise I wouldnt of been able to get my hand out.
 After doing this hand cast i took another step and casted my hand using plaster.

Plaster health and safety:
Dont leave your hand in plaster it will burn and cook also it will get stook as it slowly sets.